11 things midwives wish we wouldn't do before giving birth

Last modified on Thursday 14 January 2021

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If you’re about to give birth, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of meeting your baby. There’s just the little matter of labour to get through first …

And while it might be tempting to write an elaborate birth plan or go to hospital at the first twinge of a contraction, this could actually slow down your labour, according to midwife Sharon Trotter.

We spoke to Sharon for her top tips on the 11 things midwives wish mums about to give birth wouldn’t do.


Need some extra info? We recommend this pregnancy guide book for new and expectant parents. Called 'The Positive Birth Book' it offers a new approach to pregnancy, birth and the early weeks. It's mum-approved and available here at Amazon .

Research is constantly changing and whilst every effort is made by Sharon Trotter to ensure the information contained here is accurate and up-to-date, parents should be encouraged to seek the advice of their midwife, health visitor, lactation consultant or GP if they have any concerns.

This article contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if a reader clicks through and makes a purchase. All our articles and reviews are written independently by the Netmums editorial team.

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