12-year-old birthday party ideas

Last modified on Thursday 3 August 2023

12th birthday candles and streamers

Planning an 12-year-old's birthday party might seem like a huge task, but we know that organising a special celebration for your child is important for you and for them. This is everything you need to know, from venues to food to gifts.

Indoor party ideas

Now that your child is approaching 12 years old, you have a little more freedom when it comes to birthday parties, as they'll now be old enough for a wider variety of activities. Plus, they'll likely be a seasoned attendee of their friends' and classmates' birthday parties, so they'll have a stronger idea of party structure and probably a better idea of exactly what they want!

In fact, your tween may decide they want to plan their party themselves this year; less work for you, but prepare for disagreements if they have their heart set on something unrealistic! The tips and ideas below might help you find the perfect compromise.

If they've enjoyed a few of their younger birthdays at home, their 12th birthday might be the time to branch out to an exciting external party venue. However, at this age it can also be nice to spend quality time with a few close friends at home.

There are plenty of other indoor venues to choose from that cater to different budgets, so why not try some of our ideas for a 12th birthday below?

Your own home

Even if your child has had some of their younger birthday parties at home, there are plenty of ways to make an at-home party fun and feel like a treat!

On their 12th birthday, your child will probably love the idea of a sleepover with their closest friends. It's a good idea to keep the numbers small; no more than five friends is ideal. A handy trick is to try to get it to an even number in total if possible, so that nobody ends up feeling left out.

Line up some films for them to watch, and some snacks as a treat, and they'll likely settle in easily!

For a sleepover or simply a daytime party, you could also host a spa at home. Have the kids wear slippers and robes and treat them to some child-friendly treatments, like having their nails or toenails painted or a cucumber eye mask. They'll love being pampered!

You could also host a cookie or cake decorating party for some extra fun at home. Just grab some icing, sprinkles and any extra decorations and let your guests go wild! Or if you want to go the extra mile, you could help the kids to bake cookies or cupcakes themselves. Plus, they'll love eating something they've made!

Other at-home party ideas for a smaller group include an arts and crafts party where everybody makes something to take home, or a karaoke party where each guest takes it in turns to perform. Just pop the lyrics up on YouTube and get a microphone for added effect!

You can buy karaoke kits, with access to a library of songs. You can buy this karaoke kit by Lucky Voice, here at Amazon.

Roller skating

If your child would rather be active on their birthday, a roller skating party is a great option. You could hire a roller rink for an hour for the party, or just pay for a few friends to attend an open session. It's a great way for the kids to burn off energy and learn something new! Plus, it's a fun, easier alternative to ice skating if you feel they're not quite ready for that yet. Just remember the knee pads!

Laser tag

Now that your child is older, a party at your nearest laser tag centre will be really exciting! A group of around 8-12 kids is ideal and you'll be able to watch them get competitive! Plus, this is a fun one for adults to join in with too.

Games usually last for around half an hour and you can sit down for food afterwards if you arrange a birthday package, so it's nice and hassle-free.

Some Laser Quest centres also include a climbing wall, which will be another exciting activity for your child and their friends to get involved with!


Indoor trampoline parks make for a great birthday party venue, and this is one that's sure to excite the kids! You can hire out a slot for an hour or two and let the birthday group bounce around to their heart's content. Just make sure that all the kids feel comfortable and that there aren't any pre-existing injuries to avoid anybody getting hurt.

Afternoon tea

If your child would prefer a more 'sophisticated' birthday party, throwing them a mini afternoon tea can be a super cute way to celebrate. You can either take the kids out to afternoon tea at a cafe or restaurant, or throw one at home. All you need is some fancy-looking cake stands, cute tea cups, and plenty of finger sandwiches and scones. Double up with some games and they're sure to have fun!

A joint birthday party

If your child's birthday falls around the same time as one of their close friends, it can be a nice idea to throw a joint birthday party for them. They'll be able to invite more guests and it'll help the two birthday boys or girls form a special bond which will be carried forward for years to come. Some children will love sharing their celebrations with a friend but others won't, so if you think your child will get jealous it might be best to steer clear.

Outdoor party ideas

The zoo

If you've got a little animal lover, an ideal party option is to take a small group of friends on a day trip to the zoo. This is a great option if you want a long and fun-filled day out - and it'll be a great chance for your child to spend some quality time with their closest friends! Some zoos will offer party packages, but the kids will have just as much fun with a regular ticket and a day of looking at the animals.

It's better to keep your group small so that nobody gets lost - and stick some pillows in the car as they'll likely be worn out by the time you're ready to drive home!

Theme park

At 12 years old, you might feel that your child is old enough to enjoy a day trip to a theme park with a few close friends. As well as the rides in the park, birthday packages will often get you added extras like a buffet, goodie bags and unlimited photos from the rides - which make for great keepsakes! Just check in advance that your guests will be old enough and tall enough for the rides at your chosen park - and be prepared for nerves!

Adventure playground

You might not feel that your child is ready for a big and scary theme park, so if that's the case then an adventure playground could be a great alternative.

Many will include climbing equipment, obstacle courses, crazy golf and more. So, if your child loves being active, this is sure to excite them!


If you want to take the excitement up a notch, you could treat your little one to a go-karting day out with a few friends. Most centres will have cars available for a variety of ages, and the kids will absolutely love the thrill. They'll be able to get into the competitive spirit too, and you'll be able to snap some great pictures!

Outdoor cinema

Creating a really special experience for your child in the comfort of your own home can be easier than you might think! Simply set a up a projector in the garden and use a bedsheet as the screen (unless you have your own screen) to create a cosy outdoor cinema. Small projectors can be reasonably cheap, and some will even link to your smartphone.

The kids will love the feeling of 'camping out' in the garden, and if you want to extend the experience even more then you could grab some tents and let them properly camp outside overnight. Just remember to leave them a key in case they need to pop inside for the toilet, or they get too cold to sleep outside!

Who to invite

By this age, your child will most likely have close group of friends from primary school, and their birthday is a great chance for them to spend quality time together!

However, this is also the time that they'll be in their first year of high school, so they'll probably want to invite some of their new friends, too. How close they feel to their new friends will depend on how early or late their birthday falls in the school year - but it might be that your child wants a larger guest list this year so they can invite more new pals as well as their old ones.

The size of the guest list will also depend on where you're hosting the party, which will partly help to make the decision for you. But a general etiquette rule is that if your child has been invited to a classmate's birthday party, then it's only kind to invite them back.

If you're hosting your child's party at a venue, you'll need to consider the per-head cost before inviting a big group. Plus, there might be a limit on how many children can attend. For a day trip, you might find it easier to keep the guest list to a small group of close friends - especially if you want to fit them into one or two cars.

When it comes to invitations, it's a nice idea to get your child to make them themselves on a computer or tablet, so they feel even more involved. It's ideal to send invites out between two to four weeks in advance, and ask for RSVPs early too so that you can get organised.

Games and activities

By 12 years old, your birthday boy or girl might not want to play any games and will probably just prefer to hang out with their friends and watch a film or do some karaoke instead. After all, they'll most likely be conscious about what's 'cool'!

If games are on the agenda, your guests will probably be too old for traditional party games like pass the parcel or musical chairs. However, there are still some fun games and activities you can entertain them with!

Games-wise, try truth or dare for a small group - just make sure you pre-set the questions and dares on cards beforehand to stop things getting out of hand. You could also get kids to do blindfolded makeup on each other, which is sure to result in some memorable pictures!

For a more active game, try a scavenger hunt where kids search for specific items or a mummy race where the fastest team to wrap somebody in toilet paper wins.

While your child might think they have outgrown games like pin the tail on the donkey, you can put a spin on it and play 'pin the accessory on the popstar'? Simply print out a photo of your tween's favourite celeb and an accessory of your choice. It'll feel much more grown up! Or for something that adults will enjoy too, why not try a game of limbo?

You can buy ready-made limbo games to make things easier. See more details here at Amazon.

Check out some more party games for kids aged 11 and older here.

Food and drink

Party food

If you're hosting a 12th birthday party at an organised venue, like a swimming pool or an activity party, it's likely that party food will be included, which will take the hassle away from you! However, if you're at home, in the garden, or bringing your own food to a party, here are some ideas of what to include...

Finger foods: If you want to go for buffet-style food, classic party foods like mini hot dogs, mini pizzas and finger sandwiches will go down well, and make sure to include some carrot, cucumber or pepper sticks too as a healthy option.

Afternoon tea: This will feel like a really grown-up alternative to the party food your child will be used to! Create your own afternoon tea experience with a cake stand, some cute tea cups, and plenty of finger sandwiches, scones, and little cakes. It's sure to feel super sophisticated!

Make-your-own food: If you're at home or hosting a sleepover, it's a nice idea to get the kids involved in preparing the food themselves. You could get some plain mini pizza bases and have the kids decorate with their own toppings, or build a make-your-own sundae bar. They'll love eating food they've made themselves!

Eating out: If you're out on a day trip, you might want to treat kids to some food while you're there. Or you might feel that they're old enough to sit down to eat in a cafe or restaurant (if your group is small enough to manage!). Just make sure to check with parents for any dietary requirements.

For more ideas, check out our party food guide here


If you want to give kids a healthy drink that still feels like a party treat, go for sparkling water with added pieces of real fruit. And if you do want to give them fizzy drinks, perhaps do so after the food so they're not too full of sugar to eat anything.

Fruit juices and smoothies are also OK in moderation, and make sure that juice squashes are well-diluted.

As a handy tip, if you’re at home and are worried about damaging furniture or carpets, keep the food and drink in a designated room or the garden. You'll thank yourself later!

Birthday cake

There are plenty of different options for 12th birthday cake ideas, depending on how much of a baker you are!

If you're opting for a themed party and want the cake to match, most supermarkets will sell themed birthday cakes - or you can contact your local cake maker for something extra personal. Guaranteed your 12-year-old will love seeing all their favourite things in icing form!

For a middle-ground hack, buy a supermarket sponge cake and add the personalised decorations yourself. The kids won’t know any different and it's an easy way to create something unique at a low price. When it comes to decorations, your almost-teenager will be past the days of a caterpillar cake, but you can always design a cake around their favourite fictional character or popstar, which they're sure to love!

Cupcakes can also be a nice alternative to a traditional birthday cake, and you can decorate each one in a different way, whether it's different TV characters or YouTubers, for example.

We've got more cake decoration ideas for you to follow here. And if you fancy baking your own cake, browse our library of recipes, from cupcakes to chocolate cake or rainbow cake, plus gluten free and egg free options, too.


For extra dessert options other than cake, it’s a good idea to have some finger bites available, like little chocolate pieces or popcorn (though not too many!) and sliced pieces of fruit like melon, strawberries and banana to make sure the kids get something healthy too.

Ice cream is also a must, especially in the summer. To make it that touch healthier why not try some of our fruity ice cream recipes? Alternatively, you can serve sorbet as a dairy-free option that goes down a treat with kids.

Gift ideas

Whether you’re buying for your own child or giving gift ideas to friends and family, you want to make sure your child gets some birthday gifts they'll love!

At 12 years old, not only will your child have developed their own likes and dislikes, but they'll probably also be considering what's 'cool' when it comes to presents. The good news is: they'll most likely write you a clear list of what they want!

If you've got a little bookworm, they'll now be old enough for some pre-teen or young adult fiction books - a great gift for encouraging them to read alone.

Or if they're into tech, a cool gadget like a kids' drone will be really exciting! To take it up a notch, try a coding toy, like the Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit (see more details here at Amazon), where kids can programme and control their own droid from their smartphone app.

If you want to avoid tech and go for a more old-school present, try a board game like trivial pursuit. There are plenty of themed editions for different films and TV shows - whatever they're into!

Meanwhile, a creative present like a make-your-own kit, whether it's for perfume or jewellery, will keep them busy. Or you might feel that they're old enough for some child-friendly makeup, like lip gloss or nail varnish.

Otherwise, outdoor gifts like a bike or kids' roller skates will mean hours of fun!

Have a browse through some more of the best gifts for 12-year-olds here.

Party bags

Now that your child is a little older, they might not want to give a party bag to their guests, but it's still a nice idea to give them each a small gift to take home.

Larger presents can be nice gifts to give instead of lots of small party bag pieces that will likely end up being thrown away. For example, a football, a fun sweets set in a cute jar, or a hot chocolate set in a personalised mug can work really well.

Otherwise, having the children all make matching friendship bracelets, or giving them a set to take away and make them at home, can be a nice sentimental present. Other practical gifts, like fun pencils, rubbers and notebooks will always end up being used!

If you do still want to give party bags, you can include more 'grown-up' pieces like child-friendly makeup, such as lip balms or nail polishes, or whichever collector's cards are the most on-trend.

And if you're hosting at an organised venue, party bags or small gifts will likely be included, so you won't need to worry.

Plus, to combat any concerns about plastic waste, paper or fabric bags are great alternatives. Oh, and don't forget the cake!

Check out more party bag ideas here.

Tips for a great 12th birthday party

As with any party, planning ahead and getting organised with a list of everything you’ll need to do in advance of the big day will make things a whole lot easier. These top tips should help things run even more smoothly:

  • Plan your journeys: If you're taking a group out on a day trip out, be sure to plan ahead when it comes to how you'll actually get there. If everyone won't fit in your car(s), ask a family member or a parent of one of your guests in advance if they'll also be able to help with lifts. Plus, if they stick around they'll get to enjoy the party too!
  • Write down the gifts your child receives and who they're from as soon as your child opens them. You'll thank yourself later when it comes to writing thank-you notes! You can even get your child to make their own thank you notes to send out on a computer or tablet.
  • Set an end time on your invitations. If you're hosting at an organised venue, the party will have a time limit. But if you're hosting at home or elsewhere, make sure you specify an end time on the invitations. This way, guests won't outstay their welcome and all the parents will know what time to arrive to pick up.
  • Ask for your child's input. At this age, your child will have a better idea of what they want to do and who they want to invite than they have done in previous years, so it's a nice idea to involve them in the planning. Have them help to make the decorations or some invitations on a computer or tablet to give their party that extra personal touch!
  • Create a photo album. Make sure you have your phone at the ready to take tonnes of pictures during your child's big day! However, it can be easy for photos to end up forgotten about in the digital ether. It's a nice idea to create a physical photo album to add to for each of your child's birthdays. That way, you won't forget about the pictures and they'll be fun to look back on!

Looking for more birthday party ideas? Check out our articles below, or swap tips with other parents in our forum.

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Does your child have a sibling with a birthday coming up? Check out our other birthday party guides by age:

1-year-old birthday • 2-year-old birthday • 3-year-old birthday • 4-year-old birthday • 5-year-old birthday • 6-year-old birthday • 7-year-old birthday • 8-year-old birthday • 9-year-old birthday • 10-year-old birthday • 11-year-old birthday • 12-year-old birthday • 13-year-old birthday • 14-year-old birthday • birthday ideas for older teens

Or browse party ideas by theme:

Dinosaur party • Disco party • Festival party • First birthday party • Frozen party • Mermaid party • NYE party • Pamper party • Pirate party • Pizza party • Sleepover party • Space party • Tea party • Toy Story party • Trampoline sleepover party • Unicorn party

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