Baby growth spurts: what to expect and when

Last modified on Monday 22 February 2021

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Wondering if your baby is having a growth spurt? Given they're likely to have around six growth spurts in their first year alone, you might be right. Here's what to expect...

Is your baby eating or sleeping more than usual? A growth spurt could be on its way!

It can help to know what to expect, so here's everything you need to know about baby growth spurts – including what exactly they are, why they happen and when you can expect your baby to have a growth spurt. You'll be an expert in no time!

1. Your baby will triple in weight in their first year

Your baby has got a lot of growing to do – they're likely to triple in weight before their first birthday and they'll grow, on average, between eight and 10 inches, according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO).


No surprise then that your baby will have such regular growth spurts. According to Dr Lin Day, a baby development expert and founder of Baby Sensory, your baby may have five to six growth spurts in the first year alone.

2. There may be a pattern to your baby’s growth spurts

To make it easier for parents to spot a baby growth spurt, Dr Day says they commonly occur at:

  • between 1 and 3 weeks
  • 6 weeks
  • 8 weeks
  • 12 weeks
  • 6 months
  • 9 months 

She adds: ‘Growth spurts will vary for each baby. The timing of a growth spurt may vary depending on nature, nurture and other factors.

‘If your baby wakes up more frequently at night, is more fussy, clingy or demanding than normal, cries for no apparent reason and is constantly hungry, these are all signs she may be undergoing a growth spurt.’

3. Growth spurts can last for days

While some babies wake up having literally grown bigger overnight, for others growth spurts can last for around a week.

Dr Day says: ‘Growth spurts usually occur in short bursts that generally last a couple of days in young babies. In older babies, they may last several days.’ 

4. Your baby needs more sleep during a growth spurt

Is your baby sleeping more than usual? They may be on the verge of a growth spurt.

Researchers at Emory University found that when a baby’s sleep pattern changes (for example, they might be taking more naps or sleeping more overall) it’s often followed by a growth spurt. 

On average, the research found that a baby about to go through a growth spurt had about four and a half hours more sleep each day over two days. They also took more naps. Then the growth spurt followed within two days.

No surprise, given peak production of the growth hormone occurs during deep sleep. Babies really do grow overnight!

5. Your baby may wake up more throughout the night

Not all babies will sleep more during a growth spurt. Unfortunately, some babies' usual sleep routines may be interrupted during a growth spurt, and you may find they wake more to feed during the night. 

Dr Day says: ‘Some babies may wake up every two or three hours for a feed at night and sleep less during the day. When the growth spurt ends, your baby is likely to sleep more soundly again until the next round.’

Try not to worry, just keep on with your usual bedtime routine each night, and wait for things to settle back to normal.

6. Your baby might be hungrier during a growth spurt

Expect more frequent feeding during growth spurts. Your little one's growing body needs those extra calories to support healthy development.

Dr Day says: ‘Your baby may become hungrier than normal, want to feed more often, and still appear hungry at the end of a breastfeed or bottle-feed. The gain in weight and more wet nappies than usual will tell you that she’s getting enough milk.’

If you’re breastfeeding your baby …

It may take a day or so for your body to produce more milk, says Dr Day, adding:

‘Don’t worry – you will produce enough milk for your baby’s needs. Let your baby feed as often as she wants.’

If you’re bottle-feeding your baby ...

Give your baby an extra feed if they are still hungry. However, if your baby possets or is sick after a feed, they may be getting too much milk or suffering from reflux.  

If you have any concerns, talk to your GP or health visitor. Don't add extra formula powder to your baby's bottle, as it could cause constipation.

If your baby's on solid foods

Once your baby's on solids (from about six months), you may notice them getting hungrier at mealtimes just before a growth spurt. It's fine to give them slightly bigger portions for a few days, or extra breastmilk or formula as well as their meals.

Don't introduce solid foods early just because your baby's going through a growth spurt. If you're thinking of starting solids before six months, always check with your health visitor first.

7. Your baby might be clingier during a growth spurt

With so much going on, chances are your baby might need extra reassurance during their growth spurt. 

Dr Day says: ‘Your baby may undergo a growth spurt without any obvious symptoms or she may become irritable and fussy, and want to be held all the time. Some babies cry more and are difficult to comfort, too. 

‘Disrupted sleep times can also make your baby more irritable than normal. Rest assured that once the growth spurt is complete, your baby will sleep better and become less fussy or demanding. Until the next development leap, that is!’

8. Your baby may hit developmental milestones after a growth spurt

Not only is your baby putting on weight during a growth spurt, they might also be preparing hit their next developmental milestone.

Dr Day says: ‘During a growth spurt your baby may gain in weight, length and head circumference. These are positive signs that her brain and body are growing, developing and changing, and new skills are on the horizon.’

According to Dr Day, these skills and milestones could include:

At three weeks ...

You may notice that your baby becomes more interested in new sounds and the world around them. 

At six weeks ...

They may begin to track your movements when you walk around the room, swipe at toys on their play gym, smile and make throaty gurgles during playful interactions with you. 

At 12 weeks ...

They may babble excitedly when a toy has been grasped and brought to their mouth. 

At three months ...

Your baby may learn to roll from tummy to back.

At six months …

Your baby may start to sit upright without your help. 

At nine months ...

Your baby may clap and wave and show the first signs of learning to crawl. 

Dr Day adds: ‘Don't worry if your baby doesn't hit milestones exactly on time. Each baby is unique and will reach developmental milestones at her own pace. No two babies are the same.’

9. It might not be a baby growth spurt

Although it’s perfectly normal for your baby to be more hungry, sleepy and irritable during a growth spurt, if you think these signs are down to another issue and you’re worried, then always speak to your GP or health visitor.

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