Can I get an outsiders opinion about this.

4 answers /

Last post: 25/01/2024 at 10:51 am

LUCY T(1644)
Lucy T(1644)
18/01/2024 at 7:54 am

So my 13 yo daughter moved schools after 6 months in her new school (year 9 three school system) . Mercilessly bullied and school did not do enough. She was beaten and filmed on the way home from school. The girl that did this got a detention! That’s all.

Anyway, so Monday I went to work and had a 2 two hour commute. A text came through on my dash at 8am saying the school was shut because heating failure (didn’t read it fully as driving)

I called my daughter and she was saying she’s annoyed as just got there. She said she was going to hang with her friend for a bit. I called my partner and left it at that.

I got home that night and my daughter told me she’d gone to her old school at the end of the school day to tell the only teacher who supported her how well she was doing in the new school. but she was busy.

I did tell her “why did you do that? Just stay clear of that school” but didn’t think anything more of it.

Anyway, after reading the message that had come through that morning i noticed it said the kids should have done Google classroom I thought ow well too late for that!

I had a call from the school today saying that they have had an email from her old school saying that Lyla was there, that this was a safe guarding issue, she has brought their school into disrepute and she is basically truant because she should have been doing Google classroom at home.

she hadn’t messed about or wandered the school, just gone to the office and asked to see the teacher?

My daughter said she didn’t know it would be an issue as she waiting until the end of the school day and just wanted to tell the teacher how well she was now.

They are saying that she’s not stupid and knows she has to make appointments for thing, like dentist etc and she knows? And will either be suspended or excluded!

I Back the school every time I know she’s done wrong (tbf is most of the time) but this time I’m angry. My points are -

A. Late notice of message so couldn’t set up google classroom.

B. She waited till the end of the day.

C. When has a 13 year old ever had to make their own appointment for anything?

more a case of not thinking and looking for attention (she’s undiagnosed adhd picked up by both schools).

Am I being dumb? Should have I more?

Kirk P(2)
19/01/2024 at 7:11 am

You're not being dumb; with everything else going on it's sometimes difficult to make quick decisions when faced with a sudden, inconvenient change. Maybe with hindsight though, you could have done things differently.

Taking your questions one by one...

A- yes, the notice came late, but were you the only family put in that position? Did all the others who had late notice fail to set up Google classroom etc? Was there no way for your daughter to get home and set things up? Could she have joined at her friend's home? If not, was there no way you or your partner could have explained things to your employer, gone home and sorted it?

B- Looking at it from the other school's pov, they suddenly find they have an undocumented child on their premises. If anything happens to that child, who do they contact? They have no idea how long this child has been there; so if there had been a fire, could there now be a teenager lying dead in a classroom because no one knew she was there?

C- Most 13 year olds probably don't make appointments regularly (although I know several who do), but surely at 13 a teenager is aware of the concept?

STE J(2)
Ste J(2)
21/01/2024 at 9:06 pm

Hey Lucy is email the school and say what you've said you have great points, tell them you again agree with them but not this time, school was shut. How does she know that the other kids did Google classroom? Either way it's the school fault they closed, short notice no time to get childcare which they would of refused to pay back. Stick to ya ground and say not this time she's done nothing wrong and threaten to report the teacher sending the message they will think twice hopefully. Good luck 🤞

SARAH H(1260)
Sarah H(1260)
25/01/2024 at 10:51 am

Hi Lucy

I would suggest getting hold of the current school's discipline and complaints policies, and reading them very carefully.

If your daughter was supposed to be using the online learning system, when was she notified if that, or does the school think that this should have been obvious to her? Is her not doing so their justification for describing her as playing truant?

I assume that she called in at her old school, asked to speak to a particular teacher, was told that he or she was busy and then left straight away? If she did this at the end of the school day (is this the same time for both schools), then that was her time and not theirs... I cannot imagine that she hung around at her old school as surely she did not want to risk crossing paths with any of the bullies... I am not sure why her old school chose to tell her new school that she had been there at all. Who is saying that she should have made an appointment? If she had tried to do this on being told that the teacher in question was busy, I wonder how far she would have got?

All in all, a very strange situation.

Best wishes

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