Should I remove her off my social media

6 answers /

Last post: 20/08/2023 at 9:18 pm

17/08/2023 at 8:09 am

Hi there, I'm going through a situation with a mum 'friend' at my child's school - in a nutshell we used to be friendly then gradually all contact has dissolved, her child & mine are or were should I say, joined at the hip in school, & there was always talks about planning trips to the park or to meet up at eachothers House or something - now I hear nothing at all, and alot of the time I go online & see her child with other school children from the class out together. Its starting to grate on me now as if I'm even in her company at the school gate or at a school kids birthday party I get snubbed. I'm not silly, I can tell when people aren't interested anymore in talking to me - but my question is, should I remove or block her off my social media? My gut says Yes, do it, she's been a cow - but to be honest, I'm worried about the atmosphere in the future - I'm going to have to face this mum at school time for the next few years, do I put myself through that awkwardness or do I just ignore her & carry on? It's actually really upset me because I dread doing the school run, and I feel like I have to get away as soon as I pick my child up. Arrgh I hate all this 😑

Lesley B(459)
20/08/2023 at 10:40 am

If it were me I wouldnt block her on social media or anything like that

I would just ignore her and show her no interest, unless she is willing to make an effort of course

Leann D(9)
20/08/2023 at 4:53 pm

I wouldn't unfriend or block her because why let her know she's rattled you. I would mute her though so you don't have to see her posts etc. She sounds less mature than the kids anyway. I just have one or two people I can exchange light chit chat with at school pick up time but it has taken a lot of years. It's enough for me. You don't have to be best buddies with these people just because your kids are in the same school. Don't get involved in any drama, leave the idiots to it. There's no reason to be hanging about after pick up or drop off anyway.

LENA P(11)
Lena P(11)
20/08/2023 at 6:45 pm

She's behaving like a child. She must've taken something you said/ did the wrong way and is holding a grudge. I wouldn't block her as it would be obvious and could cause more negativity than you already have. Find new friends & detach yourself from this woman.

Belinda M(4)
20/08/2023 at 7:13 pm

Hiya, just reaching out because I have had a very similar situation in the past. I was dropped for the in crowd for no real reason, and only get spoken to now when theres no one better around! I'm good with that as they're not my kind of people and I have my own friends outside of school mums anyway but feel sad for our kids more because they are still the best of friends but rarely see each other out of school due to the other mum having a different social group, although they see each other at school every day so it probably does them good to have the space! I still feel a bit awkward now in the playground just because I do get a bit of social anxiety but I just get on and do pick up and drop off, no need to loiter and just say hi to one or two other mums and share a bit of small talk. Don't sweat it, and maybe don't do anything too political like deleting or blocking but maybe just unfollow or mute so you're still on there but don't have to see their posts? These people are just as fickle as the kids themselves, they'll probably be ok with you again next term! All the best x

Adele L(93)
20/08/2023 at 9:18 pm

I wouldnt delete or block. I'd change how visible my posts were to her.

So if they had cause to look, you would still show as a friend but it would look like you were quite inactive.

I'd also un follow!

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